Chapter 1 is the first episode of the first season of the Netflix original sci-fi series Tribes of Europa.
When an aircraft crashes nearby, siblings Liv, Elja and Kiano and the other Origines fall prey to the Crows, who seek a powerful Atlantian artifact.
In 2029, a global blackout led to decades of chaos and anarchy. The old nations disappeared. Countless micro-states emerged, developing their own beliefs and cultural identities. These are the tribes.
Europa, 2074. Liv, Kiano, and Elja of the Origines are out hunting and manage to snag a wolf. They suddenly take cover as a hover jet soars above their head and crashes nearby. Kiano wishes to investigate, but Liv warns him that the aircraft is from the outside world and that it could be dangerous. However, Elja informs her that the unidentified object is from the New World.
Liv, Kiano, and Elja return to their tribe with the wolf as part of Elja's imitation and inform their father of a modern aircraft from the New World. Jakob is in disbelief, but they assure him that one has crashed at the northern end of the forest. Kiano makes a case to investigate, but Jakob declines his request. Jakob reminds them that they are Origines and that they have always kept out of the business of outsiders.
Varvara arrives to find Kapitan Yvar in the process of scolding Highlord Tocks, who allowed multiple slaves to escape under his watch. Varvara informs Yvar that one of her lead squads shot down an Atlantian hover jet. It has crashed in the southern forest — Crimson territory, Tocks notes. Varvara seeks permission to find the wreck. Kapitan Yvar grants her permission, as Atlantian technology is the key to ruling the continent. Tocks worries that penetrating the Crimson boards will only encourage war, but Yvar isn’t concerned. He tells Varvara that he will make her one of his highlords if she proves successful. As Varvara leaves, Yvar attacks Tocks.
Kiano refuses to accept his father’s decision to simply ignore the aircraft crash. He notes that Liv is like their father in many ways, which is why he respects her over him. She will continue his legacy, not him. Kiano intends to check out the crash on his own. He then asks Elja if he would like to join, suggesting that he might even find answers about Black December and why the Old World ended. Liv reminds him that it’s not worth it and preps Elja for his initiation, telling him that their mom would be proud of him and that no matter what happens, the three of them will always be together.
The tribe gathers for Elja’s initiation. In accordance with the laws of their founder and mother, Chloe, they welcome him after completing his first successful hunt. They retreated from the Old World into the security of the forest, where they live in peace and harmony with nature. As the initiation concludes, they brand Elja with the mark of the Origines.
Kiano sneaks off with his girlfriend, Alana, and asks her to run away with him. There’s a world to see, and he wants her to come with him. The two then proceed to kiss.
Elja is fixated on the crash and the origin of the aircraft. He suggests that it could be from outer space, but Mark is doubtful, remarking that they’ll never truly find out what caused Black December. Liv then tells her father that Kiano was right about wanting to investigate the crash. Someone could’ve survived and be in need of help. Jakob replies that he must protect the tribe at all cost and that he’ll always lead them in the principles of her mother. Liv reminds her father that "All life is one" is also one of her ethics.
The following morning, Jakob awakens Liv, Kiano, and Elja from their sleep and heads out with Mark and Alana to investigate the crash. There, they find the abandoned aircraft riddled with bullet holes. Elja looks over and sees a strange black cube. He recovers the object and hides it in his pouch, unbeknownst to the others. They then start to question the location of the pilot. Mark suspects that the pilot may have made his way to Little Praha. Jakob and Mark decide to investigate further while sending the others back, leaving Liv in charge rather than Kiano.
Kiano is upset at just how much their father prefers Liv over him. She reminds him of their mom while Kiano reminds him of all the things he hates about himself. As they argue, Elja slips away. He makes his way to his secret hideout — an abandoned hall, where he has forged a collection of Old World items such as a keyboard, an iPhone, and a PSP. He places the cube among them, but is startled by the sound of coughing not far off.
Liv suspects that Kiano wants to leave the tribe to see what more the world has to offer. She tells him that only savages and danger await him in the outside world. She reminds him that his place is with them in the Refugium. Kiano tells Liv that he’s an Originie and that he always will be.
Elja finds the pilot from the aircraft carrier wounded in his hideout. The pilot mentions the cube that he lost in the craft and just how much is at stake. Elja offers to bring him medicine. The pilot tells him not to tell anyone he’s there, as too many people are after him.
Jakob and Mark arrive at Little Praha, where they spot the Flag of the Republic, leaving them to wonder just how long they’ve been United with the Crimsons.
Elja returns home and packs a bag full of medicine before hiding the Atlantian cube in a chest. Liv and Kiano discover him trying to sneak away and realize that he found the pilot.
Jakob and Mark proceed further into Little Praha, where they find that the men and women of Little Praha have been slaughtered, as well as several Crimson soldiers. Jakob and Mark find a single soldier barely alive. Just moments away from death, he informs them that they were attacked by the Crows, who were in search of the Atlantian pilot.
Elja takes Liv and Kiano to the injured pilot, who is near death. They find a stretcher and carry him back to the Refugium, unbeknownst to the siblings that they’re being watched by Grieta of the Crows. They take the Atlantian pilot to Luise, who manages to do the best that she can, however, the pilot has lost a lot of blood.
Elja approaches the wounded pilot with the cube. He informs Elja that the cube is a message for his people about a danger coming from the east. He was supposed to take the cube to the Ark, where he comes from. He warns Elja that the cube must never fall into the wrong hands. Elja then asks if the Atlantian knows how the world ended. The pilot replies that if Elja helps him he’ll get the answers to his questions.
After learning that Liv, Kiano, and Elja brought the Atlantian back to the Refugium, Jakob warns the tribe that the Crows are searching for the pilot, therefore he must leave. Jakob then instructs Tarek to go to Camp Arhenberg to ask for help and to inform the Crimsons that Little Praha has been destroyed.
Jakob finds Liv, Kiano, and Elja and tells them that they must stick together as a family. They are then startled by the sudden sound of gunfire. Jakob joins Mark, who informs him of screams coming from the forest. Before long, they find themselves surrounded by Grieta and the Crows, led by Varvara. Jakob informs them that they can take the Atlantian and that there’s no need for bloodshed. The crows don’t speak. However, simultaneously, they all seem to inhale some sort of gas before attacking, forcing the Origines to defend their home. Elja flees whilst Jakob, Mark, Liv, and Kiano fight off the invaders.
Elja finds the pilot laying on the floor. Unfortunately, he is too badly wounded to move, so he instructs Elja to take the cube to the Ark. The pilot then allows for the cube to pair with Elja before escaping through a back panel. Elja then crosses paths with Kiano and Mark, who warn him to flee moments before Alana’s neck is slit open by a Crow.
Liv combats Grieta, and Jakob fights Varvara whilst Elja escapes the Refugium with the cube. Unfortunately, Kiano, Mark, and Jakob are apprehended, whereas Liv is stabbed and her lifeless body thrown into the stream.
The members of the Origines who have survived the onslaught are taken prisoner. Varvara informs them of the Atlantian cube that the pilot was in possession of. She asks about Elja, who they saw escape with said cube. When they fail to provide answers, she begins slaughtering them. Jakob insists that they don’t know what she’s looking for, but Varvara is convinced that Kiano knows something. Looking to spare his life, Mark claims to know where the cube is. He says that it’s "stuck really far up my ass!" Varvara replies that he has guts and really big balls before mutilating Mark and killing him. Varvara then looks to Kiano and smears blood on his face before instructing Grieta to stay behind with her best Bozies and search for the cube. She then tells Jakob that he will be her present for Kapitan Yvar.
Elja has put a bit of distance between him and the Refugium, having run through the woods all night.
Liv awakens the following morning to find her entire tribe slaughtered.
- Henriette Confurius as Liv
- Emilio Sakraya as Kiano
- David Ali Rashed as Elja
- Oliver Masucci as Moses (credit only)
- Melika Foroutan as Varvara
- Ana Ularu as Grieta
- Robert Finster as David Voss (credit only)
- Benjamin Sadler as Jakob
- Sebastian Blomberg as Kapitan Yvar
- Jeanette Hain as Amena (credit only)
- James Faulkner as General Cameron (credit only)
- Johann Myers as Bracker (credit only)
- Adriana Ugarte as Alia (credit only)
- Jannik Schümann as Dewiat (credit only)
- Michaël Erpelding as Atlantian Pilot
- Aysha Joy Samuel as Alana
- Klaus Tange as Mark
- Sarah Bauerett as Luisa
- Nyamandi Adrian as Tarek
- Sascha Alexander Gersak as High Lord Tocks
- Marc Rissmann as Balthus
- Ivan Ozegovic as Man Throat Cut
Episode Guide[]
Season 1 | |
SE1E01: Chapter 1 | SE1E04: Chapter 4 |
SE1E02: Chapter 2 | SE1E05: Chapter 5 |
SE1E03: Chapter 3 | SE1E06: Chapter 6 |