Chapter 6 is the sixth and final episode of the first season of the Netflix original sci-fi series Tribes of Europa.
Kiano faces a shocking rival at his Boj. General Cameron's bid for peace with the Crows takes a tragic turn. The Cube leads Elja and Moses to a portal.
Elja sneaks back into the trading outpost to find everyone dead with the exception of Moses, who is being held for questioning at gunpoint, and Bracker, who is suffering from a gunshot wound. As the Crows are about to kill Moses, Elja commands them to drop their weapons. He then proceeds to shoot one of the Crows, forcing the other two to unarm. Unfortunately, the Atlantian cube suddenly powers down when the fusion energy becomes critical, forcing them to flee to the van and escape.
As the Crimson Republic prepares to move out at Camp Arhenburg, Liv hands Yeboa a stolen access card and informs him that there’s a manhole on the side wing of the headquarters above the boiler room, from where he can break David out. Liv sits in the back of the transport vehicle with Grieta, who she informs that they’re headed back to Brahtok.
Moses is furious upon learning that Elja has been lying to him about his plans for the Atlantian cube. Elja explains that he was tasked by the Atlantian pilot to return the cube to the Ark. This sole mission is the only thing left in his life with meaning. Moses corrects him and says that they have each other. He then decides to help Elja find the Ark, starting with activating navigation mode.
Merk radios in that there are obstacles ahead in the road blocking their passage. So, he and the other soldiers move the trees while Liv moves ahead a bit further on foot. Father joins her and reveals that they’re in Femen territory. He says that they should arrive in Brahtok by the evening, recalling how one could could used to fly across Germany within an hour. It’ll take decades to rebuild infrastructure, he remarks. The day they start educating architects and engineers is when they’ll finally be able to make Europa what it once was. Under a Crimson flag.
On the way to his Boj, Varvara tells Kiano that today he will either earn a new name or he will live no more. Kiano replies that he’s certain that she will find an appropriate name. Varvara then informs Kiano that Varvara wasn’t always her name. She was not a Crow from birth, as Kiano had assumed. She was a slave for six years before her Boj was granted. It was a frosty day in January. The Lubovnik she had to fight that day was two meters tall. They called him “Bear,” and he would’ve made a fine Bozie. After he plunged his dagger into her abdomen, he pushed her to the ground and tried to choke her. She whined for her life and begged for mercy. He hesitated and let her go allowing Varvara to slice his throat open. What Bear showed was weakness, and Crows can’t show weakness. That was the day she became Bozie Varvara under the command of Yvar. Varvara warns Kiano that compassion and empathy is weakness and it will be his demise. She then gives him a single kiss.
On the road to Brahtok, Grieta suspects that Liv is afraid of what’s to come. Liv suspects the same of Grieta, who has no idea what’s in store for her. She’s the first ever Crow warrior to be taken prisoner. They’re going to wonder why she didn’t kill herself. Perhaps she was overcome by cowardice or was just too weak, they’ll think. Liv doubts that they’ll accept her as the high ranking warrior she is.
The Crimson are stopped at a border post guarded by nine heavily armed Bozies. Merk exits first to say that they mean no harm and that they have a Crow prisoner, who they will relinquish only after a meeting with the Kapitan. Instead, the Crow Bozies demand that they hand her over now. Just as it seems they’re about to fire, Father makes his presence known and requests to speak with the Kapitan regarding a truce, and so the lead Bozie sends one of his men to deliver the message. Father introduces himself to a Bozie named Tusk, who moments after shaking Father’s hand, is shot in the head. Father shares the same fate.
Within seconds, the barrier post becomes a war zone, Bozies and Crimsons alike being shot from the buildings above. Liv manages to get back to the truck and free Grieta, who is shot in the abdomen during the chaos, but Liv helps get her to some place secure. Grieta tells Liv to leave her, but Liv refuses. David then enters armed with a rifle. He apologizes for all that has transpired, but she tells him never to apologize for his ideals. He then turns his gun on Grieta, who Liv asks him to spare. David then asks Liv to come with him, but she refuses, as he is a murderer, though David intends to blame the ambush and Father’s death on the Crows. Historians will say this was the beginning of the Great War. The end of the reign of the Crows. Then begins the Crismon Age around them. Under David’s leadership. He pleads with Liv to join him. Again, she declines. However, he can’t let her go either. He raises his gun to kill her, but instead fires off a few rounds in the ground and reports back to his team that the threat has been neutralized.
Varvara joins Kiano in the locker room and hands him her dagger, saying that she will see him after the fight. He asks what her name was before she became a Crow. She replies that it is forbidden to speak of it. Kiano then enters the arena, where he is being cheered on by those in attendance. Varvara watches from above. His opponent enters. It’s his own father. Instantly, Kiano is brought to tears and exclaims that he won’t be forced to kill his own father. Yvar warns him that they both will die by the wire should Kiano refuse to fight. Rather than watching his son die, Jakob forces Kiano to fight him. Jakob charges at him with a dagger, slicing at Kiano’s arm and abdomen. When Kiano tries to stop the fight, Jakob grabs his son’s hand and plunges Kiano’s blade into his chest, taking his own life, leaving Kiano the victor. With his final breath, he tells Kiano to find his siblings and build something new. He then makes eye contact with Varvara, who stares down from above.
Varvara finds Kiano sulking and mourning his father’s death in the locker room. She reveals that Dewiat betrayed him and says that he should be grateful, as she would’ve fed any other slave to the pigs. Instead, she gave him the chance to detach himself from his history and distance himself from his weaknesses. She asks if he genuinely thought he would come this far without a shred of guilt to handle or learning what it means to hate. They all must bear it, she explains. She advises him to allow the hate to sink deep into his heart and embrace him. It will shield him from sadness and make him strong like a Crow. On her way out, she reveals to Kiano that her real name was Sophia.
Once the gunfire has subsided, Liv exits the building with Grieta, who is seconds away from death. With her final words, she tells Liv to leave while she still can. A siren then begins to sound. Soon, Liv finds herself surrounded by the Femen. A Femen warrior by the name of Alia approaches and offers Liv refuge, as she will be killed if the Crow finds her.
The time for Kiano’s initiation has come. He is surrounded by a legion of Crows as Varvara inducts him. "Lubovnik Kiano of the Origines," Varvara refers to him as. He is now a Bozie, serving under Varvara until death. She names him Tarok and places an inhaler over his mouth. Tarok drops to his knees and Varvara exclaims "Til death!"
The Atlantian cube has led Elja and Moses to the location of the Ark, however, the cube dies from loss of energy before they can pinpoint the exact location of the Ark, leaving them stranded at the ocean’s shore. Having given up hope, Moses suggests that they now sell the cube. He advises Elja to simply let it go. In a fit of rage, Elja throws the cube into the ocean, but it hovers just a few meters above the ocean before dropping down. Suddenly, the Ark rises from the ocean floor and opens up before them. They enter the Ark and it closes behind them.
- Henriette Confurius as Liv
- Emilio Sakraya as Kiano
- David Ali Rashed as Elja
- Oliver Masucci as Moses
- Melika Foroutan as Varvara
- Ana Ularu as Grieta
- Robert Finster as David Voss
- Benjamin Sadler as Jakob
- Sebastian Blomberg as Kapitan Yvar
- Jeanette Hain as Amena (credit only)
- James Faulkner as General Cameron
- Johann Myers as Bracker
- Adriana Ugarte as Alia
- Jannik Schümann as Dewiat (credit only)
- Matteo van der Grijn as Merk
- Eugene Boateng as Corporal Yeboa
- Patrick Pinheiro as Tiago
- Kendrick Ong as Grimm
- Bojan Ban as Warren
- Marinko Prga as Tusk
Episode Guide[]
Season 1 | |
SE1E01: Chapter 1 | SE1E04: Chapter 4 |
SE1E02: Chapter 2 | SE1E05: Chapter 5 |
SE1E03: Chapter 3 | SE1E06: Chapter 6 |