Tribes of Europa Wiki

Kiano is a main character on the Netflix original sci-fi series Tribes of Europa. He is portrayed by Emilio Sakraya.

Kiano of the Origines is the eldest brother of Liv and Elja. He is enslaved by Varvara and the Crows after they massacred his tribe in pursuit of the Atlantian pilot. During his short stint working at the wolk factory, he discovered that a few of the workers were smuggling the product to one of the guards. As a reward for alerting Varvara of this treachery, she promoted Kiano and took him in as one of her Lubovniks until eventually sanctioning his Boj, which Kiano would go on to win to become a Crow.

Throughout the Series[]

Season 1[]

Chapter 1[]

Europa, 2074. Kiano, Liv, and Elja of the Origines are out hunting and manage to snag a wolf. They suddenly take cover as a hover jet soars above their head and crashes nearby. Kiano wishes to investigate, but Liv warns him that the aircraft is from the outside world and that it could be dangerous. However, Elja informs her that the unidentified object is from the New World. They return to their tribe with the wolf as part of Elja's imitation and inform their father of a modern aircraft from the New World. Jakob is in disbelief, but they assure him that one has crashed at the northern end of the forest. Kiano makes a case to investigate, but Jakob declines his request. Jakob reminds them that they are Origines and that they have always kept out of the business of outsiders.

Kiano refuses to accept his father’s decision to simply ignore the aircraft crash. He notes that Liv is like their father in many ways, which is why he respects her over him. She will continue his legacy, not him. Kiano intends to check out the crash on his own. He then asks Elja if he would like to join, suggesting that he might even find answers about Black December and why the Old World ended. Liv reminds him that it’s not worth it and preps Elja for his initiation, telling him that their mom would be proud of him and that no matter what happens, the three of them will always be together.

Kiano sneaks off with his girlfriend, Alana, and asks her to run away with him. There’s a world to see, and he wants her to come with him. The two then proceed to kiss.

The following morning, the tribe heads out to investigate the crash. There, they find the abandoned aircraft riddled with bullet holes. Elja looks over and sees a strange black cube. He recovers the object and hides it in his pouch, unbeknownst to the others. They then start to question the location of the pilot. Mark suspects that the pilot may have made his way to Little Praha. Jakob and Mark decide to investigate further while sending the others back, leaving Liv in charge rather than Kiano. Kiano is upset at just how much their father prefers Liv over him. She reminds him of their mom while Kiano reminds him of all the things he hates about himself.

Liv suspects that Kiano wants to leave the tribe to see what more the world has to offer. She tells him that only savages and danger await him in the outside world. She reminds him that his place is with them in the Refugium. Kiano tells Liv that he’s an Originie and that he always will be.

Kiano and Liv discover Elja trying to sneak away and realize that he found the pilot. Elja takes them to the injured pilot, who is near death. They find a stretcher and carry him back to the Refugium, unbeknownst to the siblings that they’re being watched by Grieta of the Crows. They take the Atlantian pilot to Luise, who manages to do the best that she can, however, the pilot has lost a lot of blood.

They are approached by their father, who tells them that they must stick together as a family. They are then startled by the sudden sound of gunfire. Jakob joins Mark, who informs him of screams coming from the forest. Before long, they find themselves surrounded by Grieta and the Crows, led by Varvara. Jakob informs them that they can take the Atlantian and that there’s no need for bloodshed. The crows don’t speak. However, simultaneously, they all seem to inhale some sort of gas before attacking, forcing the Origines to defend their home. Elja flees whilst Jakob, Mark, Liv, and Kiano fight off the invaders. Kiano is forced to watch as Alana is slain. Unfortunately, Kiano, Mark, and Jakob are apprehended, whereas Liv is stabbed and her lifeless body thrown into the stream.

The members of the Origines who have survived the onslaught are taken prisoner. Varvara informs them of the Atlantian cube that the pilot was in possession of. She asks about Elja, who they saw escape with said cube. When they fail to provide answers, she begins slaughtering them. Jakob insists that they don’t know what she’s looking for, but Varvara is convinced that Kiano knows something. Looking to spare his life, Mark claims to know where the cube is. He says that it’s "stuck really far up my ass!" Varvara replies that he has guts and really big balls before mutilating Mark and killing him. Varvara then looks to Kiano and smears blood on his face before instructing Grieta to stay behind with her best Bozies and search for the cube. She then tells Jakob that he will be her present for Kapitan Yvar.

Chapter 2[]

Kiano and Jakob are among the few surviving members of the Origines who have been taken captive by the Crows. Kiano informs his father that Elja was fortunate enough to make it away, however, Jakob saw Liv go down. Jakob assures Kiano that everything will be alright even as they witness the Crows kill a weakened captive, who was unable to walk any further.

Kiano and Jakob arrive at the wolk factory. Varvara orders for Jakob to be taken to the Kapitan, as he is a tribal leader. Before parting ways, Jakob promises that he’ll find a way for them both to make it out. Kiano is then put on a bus and transported inside the facility, where Gregor gives each of them a jumpsuit to wear. He warns the slaves that they will die should they attempt to steal wolk.

Chapter 3[]

Kiano is greeted by his foreman, Linus. He shows Kiano where he’ll be working, telling him just how lucky he is to be in packaging rather than production, which is a certain death, as wolk fumes in production would eat away at his brain. Within a couple of weeks, he’d be unable to speak and die soon thereafter.

While working in the factory, Linus warns Kiano not to watch the guards or else they’ll become suspicious of them stealing wolk, a crime punishable by wire. Kiano then asks if there’s a way out, but Linus warns him that he’s wasting his time. While on lunch, Linus reveals that he’s from Flemish Union, though it doesn’t exist anymore. The Crows captured their monarch and decapitate him. After that, Linus and his family moved around until being captured. Linus then reveals that there is in fact a way out. It’s called a Boj — a freedom fight. Slave against slave. Winner will be a free Crow. The only way to get a Boj, however, is if sanctioned by Varvara.

Linus accidentally drops his tools and is attacked by Gregor, who then turns his attention to Kiano and beats him with a baton after Kiano attempts to defend Linus. While on the floor writhing in pain, Kiano notices a couple slaves stealing wolk. After another day of work, the slaves return to their sleeping quarters, where Kiano secretly watches as the two slaves from before signal Gregor.

Kiano and Linus return to work. Kiano has come up with a plan that’ll hopefully save the two of them. He reveals that there are two volniks smuggling wolk for the chief of the watchmen, Gregor. Kiano wishes to report this to Varvara and asks Linus to organize the meeting.

Linus approaches Kiano, claiming that Lord Varvara wishes to see him. However, in truth, Linus leads Kiano into an ambush by the smuggling slaves. Kiano jumps down into the water. One of the slaves charges after him with a knife, but Kiano manages to evade his attack and kill the slave. As the guards approach, Linus and the other slave flee while Kiano is apprehended.

Kiano is taken before Varvara, who questions why he killed one of her workers. He reveals that he saw a security guard smuggling and one of the volniks tried to kill him for his discovery. Kiano proceeds to reveal that he saw the volnik swallow some wolk and pass them through the cell door to Gregor, who claims that Kiano is lying. However, Varvara appears to believe Gregor, as she trusts the word of one of her Bozies over a slave. So, she sentences Kiano to death by the wire.

Chapter 4[]

Kiano is escorted in for his execution. They tighten a wire around his neck from above. However, Varvara opens her hand to reveal the wolk that she found inside the intestines of a dead Volnik. Varvara asks who else is involved, and Gregor points out Linus and another Volnik. Varvara approaches Gregor with her dagger and commands him to kill himself, doing so will save what’s left of his honor and his family. Gregor takes the dagger and slices his own throat. The wire is then removed from around Kiano’s neck and placed around Linus’ and the other Volnik. The wire is then tightened and within moments, both Volniks are decapitated. Varvara then orders for Kiano to be taken to her estate.

Kiano is taken to Varvara’s estate. He is escorted inside the Hakkar to meet the other Lubovniks: Dewiat, Anon, Eddy, and Usan. Kiano asks if they’re preparing for a Boj, to which Dewiat replies that Varvara wouldn’t risk the lives of her best slaves.

The Lubovniks are taken to see Varvara and placed in a line up, where she examines each of them. She looks at Kiano and asks why he isn’t made up like the others. She surmises that he thinks he’s beautiful enough as is. They proceed to have dinner, during which Varvara asks Kiano his opinion of the Hakkar, though he doesn’t say much, which seems to upset Dewiat more than it does Varvara. Kiano remarks that the garden is nice, as it reminds him of home. She then tells him to eat, but when Kiano says that he’s not hungry, she becomes upset. She takes his food and drops it onto the ground before commanding Anon to eat it like a hound, which appears to amuse everyone except Kiano. Varvara then commands her slaves to return to the Hakkar this evening, all except Kiano, which visibly upsets Dewiat.

Kiano is taken to Varvara’s quarters, where she commands her men to undress Kiano before instructing them to undress her as well. She approaches Kiano and throws him on the bed before giving him a warning: "If you cum before me... then I’ll slice your head clean off."

Kiano returns to the Hakkar the following morning, where Dewiat is clearly jealous. He remarks that Kiano was awarded when he should’ve been punished, stating that Varvara must’ve been aroused by his boundless impertinence. He tells Kiano not to be so ungrateful, to which Kiano replies that slavery isn’t something to be grateful for. However, Dewiat would never leave her, as she’s all that makes him happy.

Varvara attends a party at a nightclub. She brings Kiano, Dewiat, Anon, Eddy, and Usan along with. Kiano asks about the group of men sitting across from them. Dewiat reveals that they’re the Kapitan’s six highlords. Yvar’s inner circle, though there’s a vacancy that Varvara seeks to fill. Kiano then discovers that his father is one of the Kapitan’s personal slaves. When he drops the Kapitan’s cane, Yvar beats him over the back repeatedly. The music and dancing then resumes.

Varvara sits on Kiano’s lap and whispers into his ear that she likes him. Suddenly the lights come on and Yvar announces that a new Crow will be born, as a Boj is about to take place. Two slaves enter the ring below and fight to the death. Kiano’s interest in the fight isn’t lost on Varvara, who watches him closely. By the end of the Boj, only the female competitor is left standing. Varvara informs Kiano that the slave will be given a new name. She’ll be a Bozie, serving her lord. "She’s now free," Varvara says.

Varvara returns to her room with Kiano, who helps her undress. She knows that Kapitan Yvar’s Volnik was Kiano’s leader and mentions that she fought him. She asks if they were close. Kiano replies that he was simply their leader. While Kiano gets undressed, she asks about his life in the forest and his tribe. Kiano reveals that the Origines started in a hidden place between rocks by their founder and his mother, Chloe. Varvara inquires about her death. Kiano was 13 when she went into the forest to get medicine. She was attacked by raiders, and all that was left were her garments. Varvara detects pain and suffering inside of Kiano, which makes him weak and pathetic, so she dismisses him. However, Kiano tells her no. Varvara is impressed and orders her Bozies to leave them alone.

Chapter 5[]

Kiano awakens and overhears Varvara asking one of her Bozies about Grieta, who hasn’t checked in yet. She orders that more reinforcements be sent. She then tells Kiano that he looks innocent when he sleeps and that he shouldn’t be offended. Kiano asks how is it that he can participate in a Boj to become a Crow warrior, but she tells him that this question doesn’t concern him. She then takes Kiano to the training room to teach him a lesson. Kiano picks his weapon of choice and the two battle in front of the Bozies, but Varvara is far more skilled. She asks Kiano why she should give him up when he’s her latest toy. Kiano replies that he wants to be free. She asks what distinguishes a Crow. Kiano says strength, sense of honor, and willingness to kill. However, after defeating him, she informs him that he’s lacking the willingness to die.

Varvara has been invited to have dinner with the Kapitan. She expects faultless behavior from Kiano, Dewiat, Anon, Eddy, and Usan. The slightest stumble will be severely punished. Varvara then tells Kiano to follow her, which appears to upset Dewiat. On the ride to the Kapitan’s, Kiano looks out the window to see the city. Varvara reveals it’s the grandest city in Europe. Almost 80,000 people live there: slaves, warriors, and lords alike. Kiano assures Varvara that she will soon be up there, to which she replies that she’s deserving of it.

Kiano notices his father at Yvar’s side. When his father exits with the Kapitan’s plate, Kiano makes an excuse that he has to go to the restroom and reunite with his father in the hall. Kiano tells Jakob that he’s about to get a Boj to become free. However, Jakob advises him against participating in a Boj, but Kiano has no other choice. After parting ways, Kiano discovers that Dewiat has been eavesdropping on his entire discussion. He warns Dewiat to keep his mouth shut or else he’ll kill him.

Varvara is enraged and alarmingly quiet on the ride home. Kiano offers his condolences and touches her knee. She responds by slapping him and ordering Dewiat to come back to her quarters with her.

Kiano reconvenes with Varvara in her room to find Dewiat slashed to pieces on her bed, lying in a pool of his own blood. Armed with her dagger, she calls Kiano over. She hands the blade over and explains that she’s giving him the chance to carry out his own death sentence. Should he fail to take the opportunity to take his own life with honor, she will strip off all his honor, as she did with Dewiat. Dagger in hand, Kiano slowly drives it into his chest. Tears run down his face as he says "My name is Kiano." Just as he’s about to plunge the dagger into his heart, she grabs his hands and says that he will take her dagger to fight in the Boj he has earned.

Chapter 6[]

On the way to his Boj, Varvara tells Kiano that today he will either earn a new name or he will live no more. Kiano replies that he’s certain that she will find an appropriate name. Varvara then informs Kiano that Varvara wasn’t always her name. She was not a Crow from birth, as Kiano had assumed. She was a slave for six years before her Boj was granted. It was a frosty day in January. The Lubovnik she had to fight that day was two meters tall. They called him “Bear,” and he would’ve made a fine Bozie. After he plunged his dagger into her abdomen, he pushed her to the ground and tried to choke her. She whined for her life and begged for mercy. He hesitated and let her go allowing Varvara to slice his throat open. What Bear showed was weakness, and Crows can’t show weakness. That was the day she became Bozie Varvara under the command of Yvar. Varvara warns Kiano that compassion and empathy is weakness and it will be his demise. She then gives him a single kiss.

Varvara joins Kiano in the locker room and hands him her dagger, saying that she will see him after the fight. He asks what her name was before she became a Crow. She replies that it is forbidden to speak of it. Kiano then enters the arena, where he is being cheered on by those in attendance. Varvara watches from above. His opponent enters. It’s his own father. Instantly, Kiano is brought to tears and exclaims that he won’t be forced to kill his own father. Yvar warns him that they both will die by the wire should Kiano refuse to fight. Rather than watching his son die, Jakob forces Kiano to fight him. Jakob charges at him with a dagger, slicing at Kiano’s arm and abdomen. When Kiano tries to stop the fight, Jakob grabs his son’s hand and plunges Kiano’s blade into his chest, taking his own life, leaving Kiano the victor. With his final breath, he tells Kiano to find his siblings and build something new. He then makes eye contact with Varvara, who stares down from above.

Varvara finds Kiano sulking and mourning his father’s death in the locker room. She reveals that Dewiat betrayed him and says that he should be grateful, as she would’ve fed any other slave to the pigs. Instead, she gave him the chance to detach himself from his history and distance himself from his weaknesses. She asks if he genuinely thought he would come this far without a shred of guilt to handle or learning what it means to hate. They all must bear it, she explains. She advises him to allow the hate to sink deep into his heart and embrace him. It will shield him from sadness and make him strong like a Crow. On her way out, she reveals to Kiano that her real name was Sophia.

The time for Kiano’s initiation has come. He is surrounded by a legion of Crows as Varvara inducts him. "Lubovnik Kiano of the Origines," Varvara refers to him as. He is now a Bozie, serving under Varvara until death. She names him Tarok and places an inhaler over his mouth. Tarok drops to his knees and Varvara exclaims "Til death!"


Season 1[]


