Tribes of Europa Wiki

Moses is a main character on the Netflix original sci-fi series Tribes of Europa. He is portrayed by Oliver Masucci.

Early Life[]

Very little is known about Moses' early life. He is a scavenger and trader by profession — and a successful one at that, since he was able to afford, by himself, to own and operate a working motor vehicle, a luxury item only seen with high ranking members of the Crows and combat units of the Crimson Republic. He appears to have some form of education, as he speaks rudimentary English as well as his native German. He has vast knowledge of the Geo-Political of Europa, as well as an established network of trading partners.

Throughout the Series[]

Season 1[]

Chapter 2[]

Moses meets Elja at Little Praha. He discovers that Elja is in possession of an Atlantian cube. Elja asks Moses if he can repair the cube, which he claims he can, as he is familiar with the Atlantian device. He instructs Elja to fetch his toolbox in the other room. By the time Elja returns, Moses has escaped with the cube and driven away in his truck. Elja suddenly finds himself being pursued by a Crow in search of the cube. Fortunately, Moses returns and shoots down the Crow, allowing for him and Elja to escape in his van.

Moses asks Elja a series of questions regarding the Crows and the cube, but Elja doesn’t reply, angry at Moses for having stolen the cube from him. Moses apologizes and tells Elja to look in the glovebox, where he finds the cube. Moses offers to help Elja repair the cube, and once it’s in working condition, they’ll sell the cube and split the profit. When Elja declines his offer, Moses kicks him out of his van. Moses attempts to scare Elja into agreeing to his terms, informing him of all the dangers that lie ahead, such as the Crows, Femen, and Raider clans. In fear of the dangers he may encounter, Elja agrees to Moses’ terms to sell the cube after it’s repaired.

Chapter 3[]

Elja asks Moses about the origins of Black December. He reveals that his mother was obsessed with it. She collected news articles among other things. According to Moses, on December 2029, everything driven by technology went horribly wrong. And on the 31st of December, there was a global blackout. Elja wonders who was behind it. Moses suspects the Atlantians were responsible considering their technology still works. They’re light years ahead of every other tribe and no one knows where they come from.

Moses and Elja pull over onto the side of the road. They start a fire and open up a can of produce that expired in 2031, which Moses is unable to stomach. So, they are forced to hunt for their food. Elja manages to catch some fish. Moses then asks Elja of his plan after selling the cube, however, he says that he isn’t sure. Moses informs Elja that the Northern Alliance has the wildest gambling halls, the richest casinos, and coolest bars, along with clubs, theaters, and concert halls and brothels. Moses then changes the subject to Elja and asks why he’s been wandering the woods alone.

They arrive at Amena’s. She shoots at them upon their arrival, as she and Moses have a complicated past. She recalls the last time she saw him; he left and said that he’d be back in two days to spend the rest of his life with her. That was more than 2 years ago. She asks why she shouldn’t shoot him. Elja replies by showing her the damaged Atlantian cube. Amena invites them inside her home. She is without a tribe. Amena grew up in the Southern Empire, but their king was complicated. Amena has never known tribal life. She reveals to Elja that there was a time when the countries of Europa could be counted on two hands: Germany, France, Spain among them. And when everything fell apart, the rule of the Tribes began. Amena agrees to fix the cube but only if given 10% of the profits, which both Elja and Moses agree to.

Amena seemingly repairs the Atlantian cube, though she has no idea how it works, nor does Moses. Elja grabs the cube and activates it. The cube begins to glow red and float before projecting some kind of recording.

Chapter 4[]

While Amena fiddles with the Atlantian cube, Moses questions just how Elja knew to activate the device. Elja claims that it happened on its own. Amena then informs them that the fusion module isn’t reparable. She directs them to Bracker, who has a trading post near the Southern Regions and is the only person who can help them. He collects treasures from before Black December. There, he has a fusion module. Moses reveals that he owes Bracker money, and therefore, he would never sell it to them.

Elja storms outside in a fit of rage, refusing to accept that the cube can’t be repaired. Moses follows him out and inquires about his need to fix the cube. All Elja reveals is that his tribe was killed by the Crows and that he’s all that remains. Amena joins them with a tablet from 2029, that they can use to repay Moses’ debt to Bracker. As well as everything of value Moses has in his van, they should have enough for Bracker’s module. Elja hugs and thanks Moses. Elja proposes that Amena join them, but before she can reply, three Crows arrive on horseback. Amena distracts them while Elja and Moses run for the van. They drive off, just barely escaping the Crows’ grasp.

Moses and Elja pull off to the side of the road for the night, both concerned for Amena’s well-being. Moses hopes that she escaped somehow. They suddenly start to hear noises and shine a light on the darkness, where they cross paths with a family of Asian travelers: a man, his wife, and daughter. They’re from the east, specifically Altai mountains, from which they fled due to the "Black Swarms." It’s headed towards Europa, the young girl explains.

They arrive at Bracker’s trading outpost with Amena’s tablet to repay Moses’ debt, as well as other pre-Black December items Moses has acquired to pay for the fusion module. Not long after their arrival, one of Bracker’s men approaches Moses with a shotgun, demanding to know the reason for his return. Moses explains that he’s come to pay his debt and is taken to Bracker. They enter his office, where Bracker has the very last of the news reports prior to the Blackout playing on several television screens. Moses reveals that he’s an even bigger Black December obsession than Elja. Bracker asks why have they come. Elja reveals that they need a fusion module. He wonders why they would need a fusion module for an Atlantian cube. Moses claims that he intends to sell it.

Bracker takes Elja and Moses to see his fusion module. Unfortunately for the two of them, Bracker has come to believe that they’re in possession of an Atlantian cube. And just as suspected, Bracker finds the cube inside of Elja’s bag. With the cube in his possession, Bracker orders his men to kick Elja and Moses out.

Chapter 5[]

Moses gets drunk at the bar after losing the cube. He pours another drink for Elja and himself. Moses suddenly has a case of déjà vu, reminding him of his time with his father. He always wanted them to go to Rome. He thought it was better there, but Moses isn’t sure why. Elja then comes up with a plan to steal back the cube. Moses picks a fight with one of Bracker’s men, which provides a long enough distraction for Elja to sneak into Bracker’s office to try and recover the cube. However, Bracker awaits him. He questions Elja’s interest in the cube, as it clearly isn’t money. Moses is then dragged in.

Bracker holds Moses at gunpoint and demands that Elja reveals what he actually intends to do with the cube. Elja reluctantly reveals that he never intended to sell the cube. He lied so that Moses would help him. In truth, he intends to return the cube to the Ark. The Atlantian pilot from whom Elja required the cube instructed him to bring it back to his people at all cost because a dangerous threat is coming to Europa from the far east. Elja proves it by activating the cube, which presents a hologram of a growing unknown darkness. Elja pleads with Bracker to let them go so that they may stop the danger ahead. Bracker releases them under the condition that Elja return to him with updates should he discover the origin of Black December.

After narrowly escaping with the cube, Moses asks Elja whether what he said to Bracker was a bluff or if he has truly been lying to Moses the enter time. Elja claims it was a bluff. Moses then sends Elja outside to sit in the van while he hooks up with a prostitute.

Chapter 6[]

Elja sneaks back into the trading outpost to find everyone dead with the exception of Moses, who is being held for questioning at gunpoint, and Bracker, who is suffering from a gunshot wound. As the Crows are about to kill Moses, Elja commands them to drop their weapons. He then proceeds to shoot one of the Crows, forcing the other two to unarm. Unfortunately, the Atlantian cube suddenly powers down when the fusion energy becomes critical, forcing them to flee to the van and escape.

Moses is furious upon learning that Elja has been lying to him about his plans for the Atlantian cube. Elja explains that he was tasked by the Atlantian pilot to return the cube to the Ark. This sole mission is the only thing left in his life with meaning. Moses corrects him and says that they have each other. He then decides to help Elja find the Ark, starting with activating navigation mode.

The Atlantian cube has led Elja and Moses to the location of the Ark, however, the cube dies from loss of energy before they can pinpoint the exact location of the Ark, leaving them stranded at the ocean’s shore. Having given up hope, Moses suggests that they now sell the cube. He advises Elja to simply let it go. In a fit of rage, Elja throws the cube into the ocean, but it hovers just a few meters above the ocean before dropping down. Suddenly, the Ark rises from the ocean floor and opens up before them. They enter the Ark and it closes behind them.


Season 1[]


